
    Maharashtra State Livelihood Mission.

    • Date : 18/01/2025 -

    In the year 2011, Center National Rural Development Mission was launched in the year 2011 to eradicate the district rural poverty. To implement the said campaign in the state of Maharashtra Hon. Maharashtra State Gramin Jeevannonati Abhiyan is an independent organization under the Village Development Division under the Chairmanship of the Chief Minister under the Registration of Institutions Act 1860. The campaign is being implemented with full strength in 34 districts and 351 talukas of the state.

    The campaign is committed to bring 71 lakh poor families out of poverty through sustainable livelihoods in the state of Maharashtra. For this, community organization, creation of strong community-level organizations created by the poor of the poor, various pilot projects, voluntary and partnership with government and private organizations Update human resource development methods, sustainable livelihoods through the campaign and through various financial institutions and banks on time, at affordable interest rates and regular financing, The campaign is being implemented in the state in many innovative and effective ways such as building the capacity of community level organizations to get the benefits of various government schemes through action meetings.


    Inclusion of women of self-help groups in the campaign of poor and vulnerable families.


    To build the capacity of the poor by building the organization of the poor on inclusive and democratic principles. Providing financial services and government benefits. Creating social security. Creating sustainable livelihoods. Providing benefits of various government schemes through action.

    How To Apply

    Group Resource Persons (ICRP) of Maharashtra State Rural Life Promotion Mission at village level have been appointed to provide assistance and facilities to the beneficiaries as well as taluka level Maharashtra State Rural Life Promotion Mission, Umed Office should be contacted.